Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Wonder Day: Wednesday

Nothing interesting happened today but I just felt like blogging so here's a super short summary :)
  • Wednesdays are usually my lazy day at school because all I have is double PE second and third period and after that I can go home. Today wasn't that case, I didn't even have PE because my lessons were cancelled, instead I had to catch up on some maths homework I'd missed from last week. It took me FOUR hours and I haven't even finished!.. which now I think about it is quite embarrassing.. haha
  • I've had this eye infection called a "sty" all week (which in my opinion is the ugliest word ever) and it's been SO painful. It's also meant I can't wear makeup which I honestly wouldn't care about if I weren't trying to get better at it, it's like trying to get better a drawing with no paper or trying to do magic with out a wand..
  • I started watching Teen wolf on Saturday night and was going for "I'll watch 2 a day" kind of plan but that plan started to go down hill quickly as it's been five days and I've watched 18 episodes.. that's not too bad but I've not finished my daily does yet ;) I love the show so far, I don't know if it's because of the supernaturals or the hot teenagers but I love it! and I totally have a crush on Scott *fans face all girly-like*
  • I'm currently polishing my army boots. I HATE polishing my boots.. no matter how long I spend on them you can never tell I've even attempted to polish them! I'm  tempted to cheat and use quick shine muhaha ;)
  • Ive been loving my Barry M chai nail polish but I'm going to have to take it off for tomorrow *sigh* I'll defiantly be repainting them of Friday!
  •  Hmm.. what else has been happening lately..
  • I'm still addicted to mini eggs and now my dad keeps bringing me them XD
  • Ooh! and My chummy started a blog today! (WOO!) So give her some love here :D 
  • I realise while typing this that I appear to be in some kind of uninspired slump (BOO) ..  maybe it's because I'm tired or because is January or maybe it's because I have so many things I have to do and so many things I want to do but not enough time that I'm actually malfunctioning.. aha I don't know what it is but I DON'T LIKE IT! I would much appreciate it if I returned to my usual overly happy self
  • My dog just randomly started licking my toes.. haha okay?
  • Currently reading: Throne of glass
Okay whale that's pretty much what's on my mind, sorry if it's boring or depressing it's be a "meh" week aha

I'm probably gonna watch some more Teen wolf now ;)

Hope you enjoyed reading ^.^
Tell me about your day in the comments
Have a super fantastic day!

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

My Pinterest Obsession

There's no hiding the fact that I'm obsessed with Pinterest. It's the place I go to for inspiration and I certainly fine it there! It's one of my favourite social medias and I don't even use it to be social, in fact it probably makes me more unsocial ;)

When I first got Pinterest I didn't care for it much because it looked confusing but after a while you could say I got used to it because I now have 18 boards and 2247pins.. oops? This tends to happen with all social medias, like I didn't understand instagram at first and now I have an art account and Twitter scared me.. But it's different with Pinterest. Pinterest is my selfish place where I only Pin things that I want to Pin! haha okay, I'm not trying to be selfish but it's true ;)

Hiding my love of Pinterest from this Blog would be like hiding I'm secretly a pop star and go by the name of Hannah Montana.. not as exciting? you clearly haven't witnessed the awesomeness of pinterest! :D

So here's mine:

  • projects to try (24 pins)
This board is for when I find a DIYs I like but they don't fit in with my other boards. Like how to make a wand.. you know just casual stuff
  • roomspiration (263 pins)
Roompiration is a board filled with room inspiration for my bedroom, mainly DIY room decorating ideas. I'm kind of obsessed with room decor and I honestly don't think there's a DIY room decor youtube video I haven't watched..
  • Christmas (402 Pins)
Around Christmas time last year I got a little too excited some might say.. I like to call it enthusiastic participation :D In this board there's things like decor, gift ideas, treats and just all things CHRISTMASY! .. it's a beautiful place! ahh..
  • Costume ideas (71 pins)
I started pinning Halloween costumes around august? in my Halloween board and then I found some costumes I liked but weren't halloweeny enough in my opinion, one thing lead to another and now here we are with costumes for all occasions!
  • Generally awesome things (17 pins)
You know that drawer we all have that we put all the random sh*t in that doesn't seem to fit anywhere? Yeah? (haha I rhymed /).^) well this board is my "junk draw" of pinterest and I genuinely don't know what's in there aha
  • nail art (124 pins)
When I first left secondary school after my GCSE exams I got really into nail polish because it was the first time I could wear it for a week without having to take it off (which isn't actually the case because I have to take it off on Thursday for ccf and weekends for work :( ) I'm yet to try most of these but it will happen!
  • art journal inspiration (160 pins)
Like I said in a previous post I tend to pick up hobbies and interests a lot and art journaling was one of them, my interest in it has faded some what as I liked watching videos of other artists creating them but never really got time to do them my own. I'll probably start again when I'm older and when I have more time.
  • hand lettering (12 pins)
Not really sure when or why I made this board but I'm presuming I saw some fancy lettering and had to put it somewhere :)
  • prom hair styles (8 pins)
My prom was in June last year and at the time I guess I was looking for a hairstyle and voila! I probably won't use this board again but I don't have the heart to delete cause you know, memories and all
  • Erador inspiration (509 pins)
Aha okay I kind of have this whole fantasy world and a story in my head that I've never told anyone about.. so I thought I'd tell a couple of random people on the Internet xD In this board I keep images that give me inspiration for my fantasy novel(s). I wont tell you anything else as I plan on writing it when I'm older and more experienced :) ((and by "in my head" I mean I literally think about it ALL the time! whenever I'm day dream (50% of the time) I'm usually mentally playing my story inside my head and creating characters, plots, histories and dynamics of my world.. is that weird? ))
  • drawing inspiration (334 pins)
I use this frequently to give me ideas for what to draw when ever I have drawer's block. Oh the creativity that this board holds!

  • Halloween (57 pins)
Just like I got excited for the run up to Christmas, I got excited -but not as excited- for Halloween. This board has costumes, treats and decorating ideas!

  • Autumn (9 pins)
I started to get excited for autumn after watching American youtubers and seeing how "tumblr" they made it look.. and then it got cold and it made me sad that the leaves weren't autumnal colours like yellow and orange because they were all muddy and smushed together as it rains a lot so I stopped looking.. CURSE YOU BRITISH WEATHER CURSE YOU!
  • Game of Thrones (5 pins)
I am obsessed with the TV show Game of thrones and saw some pictures while I was a browsing my feed that I couldn't not make a board for!
  • Fashion inspiration (145 pins)
This board is mainly what inspired my lust list and it really shows my sense in style, even if I don't own half the items to make the outfits :( but I can dream! (and hence the lust list!)
  • A.L.I.C.E
 This is just where I've started sharing my blog posts :)
  • hair and makeup inspiration
And the last board I have so far is where I store any picture of hair and makeup I like. I've been using this a lot lately as I'm trying to get better at doing eyeshadow and there are  lots of useful pins!

Okay, so that's my Pinterest so far. I absolutely love it and think I may be addicted to it as I can spend hours at a time on it!

You'll probably here a lot of Pinterest on my blog form now on like "top pins" and stuff :)

Thanks for reading
Hope you enjoyed  ^.^
Don't forget to leave your pinterest in the comment so I can stalk I mean follow you ;)
Have a super fantastic day!

-Alice :) xx

Sunday, 25 January 2015

2015 Lust List

Image Credit
I thought I'd make a list of all the things that I want would like to buy in 2015. Of course I can't buy everything from my list because I'm not a millionaire but when I start my "summer" job (which actually starts in February) and have a few extra penny to spend on myself it will be nice to pick things of my list and it will help me save more and not make impulse purchases on things like food :P

Here's my Lust list of 2015, a mixture of clothes, make-up and probably some other random things all from the top of my head.. enjoy:

(2016 Edit: I've crossed out the things I got :) )
  • naked pallet
  • skater skirts
  • collared shirts
  • statement jewellery
  •  boots that match skirts 
  • baseball cap
  • flower crown
  • forest green cardigan 
  • jean coloured topshop jeans
  • little black dress
  • more hair bows
  • full length dungarees
  • photoshop
  • bigger bookshelf
  • high waisted shorts
  • good running gear
  • cropped jumpers
  • the world of ice and fire
  • curling wand
  • pinafore dress
  • makeup/nail polish storage
  • tartan scarf
  • denim jacket
  • casual/day time dresses
  • vintage skirts
  • bando
  • timberland's
  • jumpsuit/playsuit
  • blush and powder brush
  • going out shoes I can walk in
  • shelving unit
  • legit cape (like medieval xP)
  • "going to town" bag
  • ripped jeans
  • Polaroid camera
  • phone case
  • earrings
  • funny graphic t-shirts
  • throw pillows
  • bike with a basket
  • beats by Dre
  • frames
  • nude lipstick
  • fine liners (for inking my art)
  • hunter wellies
  • yellow raincoat
  • rainbow umbrella
  • picnic basket
  • transfer paper
  • tartan skirt/dress
  •  basics eg white tee
  • smock dress
  • red/maroon high waisted jeans
  • green/khaki high waisted jeans
  • circle scarf
  •  fish in a legit fish bowl
  • beanie
  •  netfix subscription

Okay, whale I think that's it, and yes I'm feeling ambitious ;)

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed ^.^

Have a super fantastic day and don't forget to leave a comment telling me whats on your lush list


-Alice :) xx

Friday, 23 January 2015

Wonder Day: Friday

Hello! I thought I'd do a summary of today as I'm too tried to write one of post ideas but I'm feeling bloggey ;) I've seen and read a lot of bloggers like zoella for example who do day summaries and I wanted to join in. I'll probably only do this when I want to just get out what's in my head that I can't make an actual post about.. Doesn't that even make sense? Haha I hope! I'm going to call this wonder day playing off my name, Alice which is like Alice in wonderland also it's because I'll share the wonders of my day :D 

Here a some pictures I took the other day:

  • Walking my dog on the beach has probably been the highlight of my day (a part from ft with my chummy :D) 
  • I've grown to hate Friday's purely because I always have my worst lessons on them. This years it's A-level maths, need I say more?
  • Despite having the advantage of being one of the only fun things I've done today, I really do enjoy walking my dog on the beach (she's actually my sister dog, just point that out in case one day she reads this and shouts at me ;)) I love running on the beach  I love running next to the beach as well, on the sea front (I don't like running on sand) something about standing next to the sea makes me feel really peaceful and motivational.. Haha I'm not sure why
  • I'm one of those people who have like a billon hobbies, I don't ever drop a hobbit or interest but I always pick more up. Lately they've been; blogging (for nearly two weeks now), drawing (like always), spotify and reading. I have always liked the thought of reading but I'm a terrible and extremely slow reader, by nature and I've always seen reading a book or series like a challenge instead of a pleasure. So I never got in to reading when I was younger because I took me so long to read a book. Now I don't care how long it takes me Because I love it!
  • I'm also falling back into my obsession with room decor. I've been watched so many videos on YT and have you seen my Pinterest? ;)
  • I've eaten 4 bags of Mini eggs in 5 days... I need help!
  • I had a lovely conversation with my chummy earlier via FaceTime earlier involving some weird faces and unicorn hair, you can see the pictures on my Twitter if you want (and yes we call each other the same name Zoe and Louise do but I started calling my friend that before I knew see watched YouTube purely because I liked the word and well it stuck) 
  • I picked up Throne of glass form the library on my way home from school and I'm so excited to read it!
  • Currently reading: Allegiant and Amulet: the cloud searcher

Whale I think that's everything for today, this felt so good.. I can't even

Hope you enjoyed reading ^.^

Please leave a comment tell me anything that's on your mind at the moment (the randomer the better xD) 

Hope you're having a super fantastic day! 


-Alice :) xx

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Mini Makeup and More Haul

 On Monday I popped into town on my may home from school and went into Superdrug. I originally went in there to pick up a real techniques miracle makeup sponge that I've heard so much about but when I got there, there was none left! *sign* But did I leave empty hand? well no -probably should of- but no, no I did not. :3

First of all I'll get the boring (but useful) thing out of the way which wasn't from Superdrug. My mum picked me up a diary which I asked her for so I can keep track of my blog posts and when I post them and all.. this is going to be very useful I'm sure, for blogging as well as other stuff that I need to do on certain days. I prefer to hand write notes rather then type them, probably because I have an obsession with stationary (especially notebooks) so I use very opportunity to use

When I was browsing the Bourjois stand I came came across this magical looking blush and it was so pretty that I couldn't just leave it there. It's a gorgeous shimmery pink colour which is a statement I thought I'd never make, I usually hate pink. But when it's this magical looking how could I resist? I put it on my cheeks early and I can tell you that I doesn't look as shimmery on as it does in the pot, instead it gives you natural and very girly looking Rosy cheeks. I'd also like to point out how neat the container thing is, it's very solid (which I found out the hard way by dropping on the for in the middle of one of the isles and then having to chase after it as I rolled away /).<) You also have to push a button to open it which is handy if you put it in your bag as it's not likely to go everywhere and give you super pretty maths homework (or whatever you have in your bag). I don't think the price is too bad either and when I got to the till, because I bought another £7.99 product from Bourjois I got about £4 off which was a pleasant surprise!

 Next Thing I picked up was one of the Bourjois Smoky eyes trio.. Pallets? I don't really own any eyeshadow and since I'm quite new at makeup I thought I'd go for neutral colours and a trio will be easier to learn with as they're designed to go with each other. They are all quite shimmer so I'm sure about how subtle they'll be on, but subtlety has never been my my thing plus I'm sure they'll give me super sassy smoky eyes ;) I'm no good at describing colours but I'd say the lighter colour, "the illuminater" is and creamy beige, the middle colour, "the blender and stretcher" is a chocolate bronzey kind of colour which in the light shows hints of gold, and the darkest colour, "the sculptor" is just a darker shade of the middle colour only more brown. :)


The struggles of only having 5 fingers available and 6 colours..
      (£2.50 in shop)
 I picked up this pallet not even seeing that it was Little Mix, I don't mind though I quite like some of their songs (especially Salute.. that's my jam!) This pallet consists of 6 basic neutral looking colours, all with a bit of shimmer in them but again I'm not fussed. The colours left to right are; Feather, Sunkissed, Golden sand, Dazzling brown, Cocoa dream and Black bird. In my opinion the names match them quite well so I don't need to struggle describing them (whoop!).

Ooh I just love this colour! I've been wanting a grey nail polish for ages after seeing someones nails on instagram. So when I was going past the Barry M stand my eyes lead me straight to this beauty. It's funny, when I was little I used to hate grey but now I love it! And this is a beautiful shade of it, though I'm not sure why it's called chai.. Not only is it a pretty warm(ish) grey but it's a Barry M Gelly nail polish which is probably my favourite brand of nail polish as they're are very pigmented, come in loads of colours and don't chip very much even on my clumsy days okay that's every day but on my EXTREMELY clumsy days :3 My point being I can go days chip free which is all I need as I have to take my nail polish of on a Wednesday night anyway because I'm not allowed to wear it at CCF (Combined Cadet Force) on Thursdays :( I wonder if I where camouflage nail polish, would they notice? ;) Anyway, I'm looking forward to applying this on Friday!

Okay whale that's all for today..

Hope you enjoyed reading ^.^

Have you tried any of these? or have any recommendations? I'd love to hear your opinions in the comments :)

Have a super fantastic day!


-Alice :) xx

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Girl Online: Book Review

photo credit of this one 
I read Girl Online back in December after receiving form my lovely mother (thanks mum!). There has been a lot of attention on this book and not all of it good attention. I'm not sure exactly what happened but what I've gathered is that Zoe didn't write it all and some of it was ghost written. A lot of people seen to be upset or angry about this and I do understand why, I do. However personally it doesn't really bother me, I figured that she would have gotten help with writing it because people don't tend to randomly become a writer, not all on their own.

I'll admit this book only made it onto my Christmas list to Santa because I'm a big zoella fan, I watch her videos religiously and I love her blog. BUT this review is surprisingly not as bias as I thought it would be because just rating it on it's storyline and characters I genuinely loved it (okay it sounds really bias but its not, honest!)

Now bare with me as I'm not entirely sure how to write a book review haha /).(\ ....

The book is set in Brighten and follows the main character Penny, a 15 year old with a secret blog. Penny is dealing with anxiety and panic attacks which are new and scary to her and throughout the book it shows how they develop and how she deals with them. Penny lives next door to her very stylish gay best friend, Elliot who is dealing with his own problems. Penny goes through some embarrassing moments involving school as well as some friendship problems which make her anxiety worst. Then as if a fairy godmother granted her wish, she gets whisked away to New York where she soon meets the rock-godtastic Noah who sweeps her off her feet. The only thing is that Noah has his own secret that Penny is yet to find out about.

Okay so I suck at summing the story up without giving too much away but that ^^ is pretty much what the blurb says on the back of the book just reworded so yeah... Haha

I don't think I've ever read a book that I related to so much! Although I don't have panic attacks like Penny an I certainly have never met a Noah (although There's this guy at school who looks just like what I imagined Noah to look like ;)) there were so many times I laughed out loud purely because I related and knew exactly what she was talking about.

Penny is around my age so when she talks about school, especially since it's a British secondary school, it's easy to imagine and relate too (the struggles are real ;-;). Also she is quite an awkward and clumsy teenager and when she gets nervous she gets worse, just like me.

I could go on and on about all the mixed feels this book gave me, like all the LOL moments and the times I got butterflies (like when Noah showed up.. Ooh ) but I think you get the picture :)

I think the characters were we thought out well and were interesting and I fell in love with them but I felt like their speech didn't always flow very realistically, that didn't really affect my love for the book much. I also really enjoyed the plot but I guessed Noah's secret straight away which I honestly didn't see coming when he was first introduced but I felt like I could of been hidden better and would of been nice to find out when Penny did but at the same time it did create dramatic irony as we were just waiting for her to find out. So I admit this book wasn't by any means perfect but I still loved it.

This was a easy light read and a refreshing break from my usual fantasy and dystopian books that normally contain a kickass hero/heroine fighting against the forces of evil, I obviously love these books but it was lovely to just read about a regular teenager.

Being a Zoella fan, it's was great to see little snippets of her in this book like the blog posts weaved into the story, the fact it was set in Brighton where Zoe live and talks about all the places that Penny loves that Zoe also loves like The Lanes and the beach, also the little bits like where Penny wore a milkmaid braid which Zoe did a video of :)

I gave this book a 5 star rating, call me just a loyal fan joining the over-rated but I genuinely loved reading it. I think Zoe -or who ever wrote it- should be very proud and will probably reread this as I actually miss it and I can't wait the second one which I believe is coming out in November.

Have you read this book? I'd love to here your opinion on it in the comments!

Also do you have any books that you have read lately and recommend?

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ^.^ 


-Alice :) xx

This is the picture I took on Christmas ft. Rainbow Dash (my build a bear )

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Red Lips and a Messy Bun


I woke up late this morning which only left me like 5 or 10 minutes to get ready and get out of the door, (Story of my life!) This meant that I didn't have time wash my hair which had seen better days so not only was a bound to look dead and sleep deprived at school I was almost certain to have greasy hair!

But, "Is it a bird?" "Is it a plane?" "No, it's!"

Okay well maybe a messy bun isn't a superhero but in your time in need it's a life saver (your social life that is ;))

After quickly whipping my hair into a messy bun, I ninja-ly applied some concealer, eyeliner and mascara, nothing fancy just de-zombifying myself.

A messy bun is often my go-to hairstyle;
> It keeps my hair out of my face and out of thought so that I can move on with my life without constantly correcting my fringe or parting. This is very convenient for school or work.
> It hides my many bad hair days.
> and personally I think it looks quite nice. On the rare occasions that I have a good hair day, where my hair's lovely and voluminous, and still do a messy bun it can look quite tumbr-ish when put with a cute tumblr looking outfit :)

On the way home from school I got the inspiration to do a blog post on this look as I wear it a lot.. it's probably my most worn make-up look, I really like it! So when I got in I added foundation and my beloved red lip.

[please excuse my failed attempts to be poesy ;) and the bad quality of photos.. I'm still learning xD]

I've been loving this outfit ^.^ my jeans are from Topshop and my shirt is from primark :) 

 My attempt at zoella's profile picture pose ;)


The products I used:
[ ^^^ wow I need to broaden my horizons XD]

hair: brushed and backcombed with a tangle teezer and then sprayed with hairspray
I usually use a dry shampoo for texture and volume but I ran out..

(these two have weird lighting but it shows the colour of my lips better :) )



.... and this is what happens when I realise I suck at posing.. enjoy!

Would you wear this look? feel free to tell me your opinion in the comments.

Hope you like itand have a great day ^.^


-Alice :) xx

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

2015 Goals & Resolutions!

I've never been very good at keeping new years resolutions. I normally make one or two up in the last minutes of the previous year with out putting much thought into them and by February I've either; forgotten about them, forgotten what they were and sometimes I've even given up on them completely and moved on with my life.

However, this year I'm determined to make some and stick to them by actually doing something about them. Here are my resolutions for 2015:
  •  Be more Productive 

  I.e "get sh*t done" ;) Like I said in my first post, I have a tendency to procrastinate. This then leads to noting being done that needs to be done as I will opt for anything over my homework and find anything and EVERYTHING distracting! This needs to stop. Or at least happen less. Also, I need turn more of the ideas I have swimming in my head in to actual things.
  • Be more Organised  
This is one I make every year as I'm a very disorganised person. I'm always late or last minute with everything and there seems to always be something I need to do but if I just got my head down and got on with them straight away then I'd probably feel a lot better at the end of day without the sinking feeling off a essay needing to be in for the next day that I probably haven't even started.
  • Be more Creative
This one's a fun one. (yay!)  This one is simply to try and put a bit more creativity into everything. I love to draw (*self promo-alert* I even have a drawing account on instagram   ;)) but I tend to just draw a picture of something on the Internet like a Disney character or something but what I want to start to do is do some concept art and just create something beautiful that came out of my head (I mean like an idea.. not my brain xD)
This also aplies to my make-up, hairstyles and fashion sense. I want to try more things and styles out so I don't look so plain and ordinary. Plus I would like to get better at these three things, especially make-up (pesky impossible-to-do winged eyeliner!)

I also went and set myself a few goals that I want to achieve this year, to keep track of these goals I made a "goals canvas"

 Tad-Dar! :D

I got the inspiration to make this from the youtuber Ryan Lamont (click here for his channel) and I just knew I had to make one and well I did :) every time I complete a goal, I'll colour it in until they're all colourful and I'm a successful human being.

2015 goals:

  • Start a Blog- technically I've done this but I'm waiting until I'm comfortable and know what I'm doing. I feel Starting a blog will help me achieve my other goals..
  • Reach 2k on Instagram (@__ali_art__)- I hit 1000 followers in 2014 but lost 140 of them when Insta deleted lots of accounts but I'm determined to get 1k back and even achieve 2k!
  •  Take More Photos (and Print Them!)- I want to capture more memories or my adventures and the people I love and I want to fill my walls with the photos I take
  • Travel Somewhere Cool- I would love to travel around the world but since that's not likely to happen anytime soon to travel just around the uk would be a good start
  • Learn a New Skill- I'll admit, I'm pretty skill-less. I mean I'm "okay" at lots of stuff and maybe "Good" at a few things but I really want to learn a skill that people will "WOW" at but even if that doesnt happen then it will be still nice to have learnted something new
  • Read At Least 15 Books- I'm a slow reader but I do really enjoy it! I'm planning to read more then 15 books but I set that as my goal because you know its 2015 and all..
  • Discover My Own Style- This goes with the creativey bit I mentioned earlier. In 2014 I grew a lot as a person. I started wearing make-up more and for the first time wore red lipstick out in public (which I discovered I love!) So this year I want to discover my fasihon sense and style as a whole and grow even more as a human :)
Well thats all for today, hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful year!

What are your resolutions and goals?


-Alice :) xx

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Saturday, 10 January 2015

Hello? Hello. Hello!

Hello? Hello. Hello!

Hi! I'm Alice and welcome to wonderland. ;)

I've contemplated on writing a blog for a while because the reasons not to write one kind of out way the reasons to write one... well logically.

The reasons not to start a blog go something like this:

> I have school 5 days a week with takes up time on it's own never mind the amount of homework it brings -_-
> I'm a teenager which means;
1. I'm quite young so therefore I'm arguably not very "knowledgeable" or "experienced" in life.
2. I'm supposed to "socialise" with "real people" with takes up time (which I'm not complaining about)
3. Like I said before, I have school and I'm in my first year of A-levels with bring a ton of work.. Fun!
> I have the tendency to procrastinate.. a lot /),(\
> And lastly, someone I know may; find it, laugh, tell other people and they might make fun of me then my family and friends will shun me because I'm an embarrassment so I'm forced to move to a country that doesn't have Internet and take on the identify of Dimity Caufield the third just to escape the epic tragedy that my life has become!

BUT, the reason that I'm starting one is because in my head the reasons to do it outweigh the reasons not to. which are:

> I REALLY want to :)
> And I need to somewhere to write out all my thoughts and ideas other wise there just stuck in my head (which is very distracting) and soon or later I might explode!

Anywho, if you got pat my little rant there, then you may be wondering what my blog is about. whale, I made an acronym.. You're welcome ;)

Adventures- what adventures i get up to whether be exploring a new product or a journey through time and space!
Life- what goes on in my life and what I love in it.
Inspiration- I'll share what inspires me in hopes to inspire someone else.
Creativity- creating things is what I like to do whether that's a look or a DIY.
Excitement- I get excited easily and i want to share my excitement :)

So that's what I'm going for and although my brain may explode onto the screen I'm going to try and keep this blog themed and organised in hopes that it will keep my head more organised.. in some way.

Okay so that's my first post wrapped up, sorry if its terrible but hey you have to start somewhere, right?  well to anyone who reads this, I hope you enjoy my blog in someway and if one person or even just me gets something out of this then it's worth it!  ^.^ 


-Alice :) xx