First up, Happy Be-lated Birthday A.L.I.C.E ! (10/1/15) It's been a grand years and I'm looking forward another year of blogging! As I said in my new years post, I'm very excited for 2016. I thought I'd make a inspiration/vision board to motivate me through out this year. I don't know about you, but I think it's really pretty and I smile every time I see it :)
- Card, foam board, cork board, a piece or anything you can stick photos to (you could always just stick photos to your wall)
- Pictures of your choosing (Print outs or magazines)
- Glue
- Scissors
- Paints
- Masking tape
- Anything else you want to put on it
What I did was first was stick on something to watch or listen to. My mum and sister were watching the sound of music live which was very good background noise as I made this.
Then paint the background of my foam board with Baby blue and pink and the masking tape for neatness. I did a boarder of blue and pink diagonal stripes across the board. You can do what ever you want, you don't even need to do a back ground, I just though I'd make my board match my room as well as look nice when the board shows through the gaps of the pictures.. if you know what I mean.
Next cut out your pictures and flick through magazines to fine more and words you like. I printed out a bunch of pictures on some photo paper we had and then when to tescos and picked up vogue magazine for £1, purely to cut up (sorry Vogue). In Vogue I found a picture of m idol Emilia Clarke so I was very chuffed.
Now all you need to do is arrange your pictures and stick them on. I sort of sectioned my pictures, putting similar themed pictures together. Like makeup and fashion, fitness, drawing, reading and nanowrimo, travel and festivals, blogging and organisation, etc.
Just remember to have fun doing it and you want to make it aesthetically pleasing but don't take it too seriously.
Then paint the background of my foam board with Baby blue and pink and the masking tape for neatness. I did a boarder of blue and pink diagonal stripes across the board. You can do what ever you want, you don't even need to do a back ground, I just though I'd make my board match my room as well as look nice when the board shows through the gaps of the pictures.. if you know what I mean.
Next cut out your pictures and flick through magazines to fine more and words you like. I printed out a bunch of pictures on some photo paper we had and then when to tescos and picked up vogue magazine for £1, purely to cut up (sorry Vogue). In Vogue I found a picture of m idol Emilia Clarke so I was very chuffed.
Now all you need to do is arrange your pictures and stick them on. I sort of sectioned my pictures, putting similar themed pictures together. Like makeup and fashion, fitness, drawing, reading and nanowrimo, travel and festivals, blogging and organisation, etc.
Just remember to have fun doing it and you want to make it aesthetically pleasing but don't take it too seriously.
I painted a Inspire wood thing I got from hobbycraft for 49p (same place I got the foam board form for £3) and painted it ombre with colours to match the board and my room. I then made the 2016 sign out of the back of an old sketch book and glitter. I think these add to the board nicely.
I will be helping my sister do one soon and maybe take a picture to show you since hers will be very different because she had different things that inspire her.
You don't have to make one alone, you can make one with your friends or family. You could make a whole event out of it, having and vision board party.
If you do make one be sure to tag me on insta of twitter because i would LOVE to see them!
- Alice :) xx
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