Friday, 23 January 2015

Wonder Day: Friday

Hello! I thought I'd do a summary of today as I'm too tried to write one of post ideas but I'm feeling bloggey ;) I've seen and read a lot of bloggers like zoella for example who do day summaries and I wanted to join in. I'll probably only do this when I want to just get out what's in my head that I can't make an actual post about.. Doesn't that even make sense? Haha I hope! I'm going to call this wonder day playing off my name, Alice which is like Alice in wonderland also it's because I'll share the wonders of my day :D 

Here a some pictures I took the other day:

  • Walking my dog on the beach has probably been the highlight of my day (a part from ft with my chummy :D) 
  • I've grown to hate Friday's purely because I always have my worst lessons on them. This years it's A-level maths, need I say more?
  • Despite having the advantage of being one of the only fun things I've done today, I really do enjoy walking my dog on the beach (she's actually my sister dog, just point that out in case one day she reads this and shouts at me ;)) I love running on the beach  I love running next to the beach as well, on the sea front (I don't like running on sand) something about standing next to the sea makes me feel really peaceful and motivational.. Haha I'm not sure why
  • I'm one of those people who have like a billon hobbies, I don't ever drop a hobbit or interest but I always pick more up. Lately they've been; blogging (for nearly two weeks now), drawing (like always), spotify and reading. I have always liked the thought of reading but I'm a terrible and extremely slow reader, by nature and I've always seen reading a book or series like a challenge instead of a pleasure. So I never got in to reading when I was younger because I took me so long to read a book. Now I don't care how long it takes me Because I love it!
  • I'm also falling back into my obsession with room decor. I've been watched so many videos on YT and have you seen my Pinterest? ;)
  • I've eaten 4 bags of Mini eggs in 5 days... I need help!
  • I had a lovely conversation with my chummy earlier via FaceTime earlier involving some weird faces and unicorn hair, you can see the pictures on my Twitter if you want (and yes we call each other the same name Zoe and Louise do but I started calling my friend that before I knew see watched YouTube purely because I liked the word and well it stuck) 
  • I picked up Throne of glass form the library on my way home from school and I'm so excited to read it!
  • Currently reading: Allegiant and Amulet: the cloud searcher

Whale I think that's everything for today, this felt so good.. I can't even

Hope you enjoyed reading ^.^

Please leave a comment tell me anything that's on your mind at the moment (the randomer the better xD) 

Hope you're having a super fantastic day! 


-Alice :) xx