Tuesday, 13 January 2015

2015 Goals & Resolutions!

I've never been very good at keeping new years resolutions. I normally make one or two up in the last minutes of the previous year with out putting much thought into them and by February I've either; forgotten about them, forgotten what they were and sometimes I've even given up on them completely and moved on with my life.

However, this year I'm determined to make some and stick to them by actually doing something about them. Here are my resolutions for 2015:
  •  Be more Productive 

  I.e "get sh*t done" ;) Like I said in my first post, I have a tendency to procrastinate. This then leads to noting being done that needs to be done as I will opt for anything over my homework and find anything and EVERYTHING distracting! This needs to stop. Or at least happen less. Also, I need turn more of the ideas I have swimming in my head in to actual things.
  • Be more Organised  
This is one I make every year as I'm a very disorganised person. I'm always late or last minute with everything and there seems to always be something I need to do but if I just got my head down and got on with them straight away then I'd probably feel a lot better at the end of day without the sinking feeling off a essay needing to be in for the next day that I probably haven't even started.
  • Be more Creative
This one's a fun one. (yay!)  This one is simply to try and put a bit more creativity into everything. I love to draw (*self promo-alert* I even have a drawing account on instagram www.instagram.com/__ali_art__   ;)) but I tend to just draw a picture of something on the Internet like a Disney character or something but what I want to start to do is do some concept art and just create something beautiful that came out of my head (I mean like an idea.. not my brain xD)
This also aplies to my make-up, hairstyles and fashion sense. I want to try more things and styles out so I don't look so plain and ordinary. Plus I would like to get better at these three things, especially make-up (pesky impossible-to-do winged eyeliner!)

I also went and set myself a few goals that I want to achieve this year, to keep track of these goals I made a "goals canvas"

 Tad-Dar! :D

I got the inspiration to make this from the youtuber Ryan Lamont (click here for his channel) and I just knew I had to make one and well I did :) every time I complete a goal, I'll colour it in until they're all colourful and I'm a successful human being.

2015 goals:

  • Start a Blog- technically I've done this but I'm waiting until I'm comfortable and know what I'm doing. I feel Starting a blog will help me achieve my other goals..
  • Reach 2k on Instagram (@__ali_art__)- I hit 1000 followers in 2014 but lost 140 of them when Insta deleted lots of accounts but I'm determined to get 1k back and even achieve 2k!
  •  Take More Photos (and Print Them!)- I want to capture more memories or my adventures and the people I love and I want to fill my walls with the photos I take
  • Travel Somewhere Cool- I would love to travel around the world but since that's not likely to happen anytime soon to travel just around the uk would be a good start
  • Learn a New Skill- I'll admit, I'm pretty skill-less. I mean I'm "okay" at lots of stuff and maybe "Good" at a few things but I really want to learn a skill that people will "WOW" at but even if that doesnt happen then it will be still nice to have learnted something new
  • Read At Least 15 Books- I'm a slow reader but I do really enjoy it! I'm planning to read more then 15 books but I set that as my goal because you know its 2015 and all..
  • Discover My Own Style- This goes with the creativey bit I mentioned earlier. In 2014 I grew a lot as a person. I started wearing make-up more and for the first time wore red lipstick out in public (which I discovered I love!) So this year I want to discover my fasihon sense and style as a whole and grow even more as a human :)
Well thats all for today, hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful year!

What are your resolutions and goals?


-Alice :) xx

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