Thursday 10 December 2015

Alice's Top Eight Christmas Movies Like Ever!

Seasons greetings! 
December is upon us and for most of us that means Christmas is near! ASDFGHJKL! *exhales slowly to try and calm down* I am SO excited! I mean autumn is my favourite season but Christmas is my favourite time.
And what is Christmas with out Christmas movies? If you are stuck for which one to watch (first) then let me enlighten you with my top eight Christmas movies like ever.

1. The Grinch 

Ooh.. ah. mmm.. 
This list is in no particular order but the Grinch is hands down my all time favourite Christmas movie. I am a big fan of both Jim Carrey and Christmas (duh) so put them together and you get a very happy Alice. It's hilarious for all ages and just Christmas-y as is perfect to put you in that festive mood. I absolute love it. And not going to lie, it's the 4th of December and I've already watched it twice so far. I could also probably quote the whole movie ;)

2. The polar express

When I was in year 5 ( EIGHT years ago!) we had a polar express day at school. Everyone would come to school in their pyjamas we'd make golden tickets, drink hot chocolate (with marshmallow and cream) and watch The Polar Express. It was great, although the volume must have been turned down or the class must of been loud because for years I thought it was a silent movie. It's not if you were wondering. This film is full of Christmas magic and is all about believing in Santa. The soundtrack alone makes me feel all fuzzy inside. It's SO magical! So what are you waiting for? Grabs so family or friends or even your pet fish, get into your PJ's, get some hot chocolate and have a polar express night! (I'm actually watching it as I type this)

3. Home Alone

 You don't have to really like Christmas to like home alone, it's just set at Christmas time. It's funny family entertainment without the family and a must watch for this season. It will make you really appreciate your family and worry you every time you go somewhere with them that they'll forget you. They haven't yet, don't worry aha.

4. The Nightmare Before Christmas 
This is Halloween quite an alternative Christmas film and you can watch it at Halloween and Christmas so if you're not into the traditional Christmas movies this might tickle your peach. it's also made by Tim Burton who is one of my favourite directors so that's just another reason to watch it!

5. A Muppet Christmas Carols


I love the "Christmas carol" story anyway (even the book is bearable despite how old it is) but I especially love the Muppet version. Don't get me wrong, the new Tim Burton one is great but this one is so nostalgic to me. It's magical, funny and all about the spirit of Christmas. I need to watch it soon!

6. Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in a the house of mouse

This is another nostalgic one. I used to have it on video when I when I was little and watched it every chrism as. I pretty sure Walt Disney introduces it in the beginning.. could be getting that mixed up with another though, it was something Christmas. This is a group of several tale, all very heart warming and pure Disney magic. my favourite one being the Christmas carol story. Another great this about this one is all the Disney character are in it! Disney knows how to do Christmas right.

7. Barbie in the Nutcracker 

 I know what you're probably thinking: Alice, you're 17! Why are you watching Barbie? Why? because it's great, that's why. No matter how old I get, I'm still going to love the films. They were a big part of mine and my sister's childhoods' (I totally watch the new ones too haha one of my favourites being the three musketeers). Anyway, this is a great Christmas film and also nostalgic like the rest. It's just beautiful okay and the sugar plum princess is just goals.

8. The Santa Clause 

Would it be Christmas without this movie? Not really. I love the concept of this movie. It's filled with magic, LOLs and Christmas goodness. What more can I say? Now go forth and watch it! ;)

Now excuse me, I have a lot films to watch! 


-Alice :) xx

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