Tuesday, 22 December 2015

A Christmas Tag


1.What's Your Favourite Holiday Movie?

Hands down how the Grinch stole Christmas, I absolutely love it! I've watched it like five times this Christmas so far and tonight we're watching it as a family. You can see my top 8 Christmas movies HERE ;)

2. What's Your Favourite Christmas Colour? 

I don't think I have one in particular, but I would have to say red, green and silver or gold as combination for a colour scheme.

3. Do You Like To Stay in Your PJs Or Dress Up For Christmas?

Normally, I stay in my PJs for the morning where we open presents and that and then I will put of a nice dress or something to eat Christmas dinner and for the rest of the day.

4. If You Could Only Buy One Person A Present This Year Who Would It Be? 

That's a hard question because my family is so big and there's so many people I bu presents for. I'd probably buy a board game so my whole family could enjoy it (although we'd have to go on teams since theirs too many people in my family, we're used to it haha).

5. Do You Open Your Present On Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning?

Always Christmas morning. 

6. Have You Ever Built a Ginger Bread House?

Yes I'm pretty sure i have, I've also built a ginger bread train one year.

7. What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas holidays? 

 Watch Christmas movies, wear Christmas jumpers, listen and sing to Christmas songs, eat my own body weight, spend time with friends and family, pretty basic Christmas stuff.

8. Any Christmas Wishes?

 Only that everyone has a good time, whatever they are celebrating and even if they aren't celebrating anything.

9. Favourite Christmas Smell?

Any sweet, especially Christmas food aha. 

10. Favourite Christmas Meal Or Treat? 

I LOVE pigs in blankets.. but I love most things haha.

11) Which holiday do you celebrate?

Christmas and New Years.

12) What are you doing for the holidays this year?

Spending it at home with my family.

13) What's your favourite holiday drink?

Snowballs and shloer (the white one).

14) Candy cane or Gingerbread men?

Candy canes but the fruit flavoured ones.

15) What's your favourite holiday/Christmas song?

SO many. I like songs from the Wham, Mariah Carey, Sleigh, Michael Buble etc, even the Grinch soundtrack. I especially love SO HERE IT IS MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERY BODIES HAVING FUN! That's my jam.

16) What's the weirdest gift you've ever received?

One Christmas I asked my sister for a pony so she got me a my little pony teddy. The year before I said I don't mind and to just surprise me. She asked if that meant even if she gave me fluff I wouldn't mind and I was like, yeah you can get me fluff. She actually did but it was that marshmallow fluff, it was great.

17) Have you ever made a snowman?


18) What is your favourite winter fragrance?

I don't really have one, currently I like the zoella fragrances, soap and glory sugar crush and one direction "that moment".

19) What is at the top of your list this Christmas? 

Either a curling wand, crimpers or boxing boots (I pretty sure my parents have gotten me all three since their not expensive and I don't really want anything else.. so thanks mum and dad!)

 20) What is most important to you about the holidays?

My Family. That probably sounds really cliche but I have a huge family and I only really get to see them all at Christmas so it's a special time or year for that reason alone.

I you answer these questions, make sure to tag me :) 

Not sure if I'll post anything else over Christmas. I'll probably take pictures on Christmas day and post them.

Hope you all have a very merry Christmas!

- Alice :) xx 

Saturday, 19 December 2015

FOTD: Go To Makeup

I get poesy when no one answers my texts haha. I don't wear makeup everyday -mainly because I'm always late so I don't have the time- but when I have been wearing makeup, this has been my go to look. I'm in love with Velvet teddy by M.A.C and have been reaching for it every time I put makeup on. I haven't even worn my beloved red lips in a while and it's Christmas! I better change that. Anywho, I based the rest of the look on the lips. Since the lips are brown-ish I bronzed my face and contoured a little, I then put the bronzer through my crease in a dome shape to suit my slightly hooded eyes. Then blush, highlight and mascara and boom, out the door. My eyebrows are a bit cray cray, I plucked them the other day and they look a tone better then they did before but I'm thinking of starting to fill them in.. I don't know if I'm brave enough through aha.

- Alice :) xx

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Autumn Lip Picks

I was supposed to do this post donkey's years ago, hence the Halloween decorations but these will work in the winter too. plus it's still technically Autumn.

As the leaves turn colour so do most peoples lipstick colours (though personally I wear these all year round) I when through my lipsticks and sourced out all the browns, berries and reds and photographed them for you :) Most of these are reds and berry colours but the ones on the left are more natural and brown toned.

From left to right: Rimmel Kate Moss- no. 26 (I think..), Rimmel Kate Moss nude collection- 48, Revlon colourburst matte balm- fierce, Rimmel exaggerate lip pencil- red diva, Rimmle Kate Moss- 107, Rimmel Kate Moss- 101, M.A.C lip pencil- Whirl (also Velvet Teddy but I lost it *sob* but I bought another *purse sob*), and Rimmel Colour Rush Balm- No idea and I'm way to lazy to venture upstairs haha, if you want to know just ask and I'll find out :)

I love autumn and the colder months and all the colours that come with them.

What's your go to Autumn lip?

- Alice :) xx

Monday, 14 December 2015

Sixth Form Christmas Party

Sunday, 13 December 2015

On My Nails: Barry M Chai

Now we're in the colder months again I can bring back the grey nails YASS! throughout the spring and summer I opted for more colourful nails but the grey is back baby! I've been in love with grey for almost a year. I even painted my room grey and if you know me you know how much I adore colour so it's definitely a strange obsession. But alas, I love it.

Here I'm wearing Chai by Barry M and it's such a beautiful shade of grey, I want to say this is a blue toned grey? But I'm not very good with colours so..

When I was repainting my nails for these pictures, I decided to add an accent nail of glitter because I saw it on pinterest. I was going to a Christmas party that night so the glitter really glammed them up! I can't stop admiring them every time I look at my hands. Even now when I'm typing haha ;)

What do you think? 

-Alice :) xx

Thursday, 10 December 2015

Alice's Top Eight Christmas Movies Like Ever!

Seasons greetings! 
December is upon us and for most of us that means Christmas is near! ASDFGHJKL! *exhales slowly to try and calm down* I am SO excited! I mean autumn is my favourite season but Christmas is my favourite time.
And what is Christmas with out Christmas movies? If you are stuck for which one to watch (first) then let me enlighten you with my top eight Christmas movies like ever.

1. The Grinch 

Ooh.. ah. mmm.. 
This list is in no particular order but the Grinch is hands down my all time favourite Christmas movie. I am a big fan of both Jim Carrey and Christmas (duh) so put them together and you get a very happy Alice. It's hilarious for all ages and just Christmas-y as is perfect to put you in that festive mood. I absolute love it. And not going to lie, it's the 4th of December and I've already watched it twice so far. I could also probably quote the whole movie ;)

2. The polar express

When I was in year 5 ( EIGHT years ago!) we had a polar express day at school. Everyone would come to school in their pyjamas we'd make golden tickets, drink hot chocolate (with marshmallow and cream) and watch The Polar Express. It was great, although the volume must have been turned down or the class must of been loud because for years I thought it was a silent movie. It's not if you were wondering. This film is full of Christmas magic and is all about believing in Santa. The soundtrack alone makes me feel all fuzzy inside. It's SO magical! So what are you waiting for? Grabs so family or friends or even your pet fish, get into your PJ's, get some hot chocolate and have a polar express night! (I'm actually watching it as I type this)

3. Home Alone

 You don't have to really like Christmas to like home alone, it's just set at Christmas time. It's funny family entertainment without the family and a must watch for this season. It will make you really appreciate your family and worry you every time you go somewhere with them that they'll forget you. They haven't yet, don't worry aha.

4. The Nightmare Before Christmas

This is Halloween quite an alternative Christmas film and you can watch it at Halloween and Christmas so if you're not into the traditional Christmas movies this might tickle your peach. it's also made by Tim Burton who is one of my favourite directors so that's just another reason to watch it!

5. A Muppet Christmas Carols


I love the "Christmas carol" story anyway (even the book is bearable despite how old it is) but I especially love the Muppet version. Don't get me wrong, the new Tim Burton one is great but this one is so nostalgic to me. It's magical, funny and all about the spirit of Christmas. I need to watch it soon!

6. Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in a the house of mouse


This is another nostalgic one. I used to have it on video when I when I was little and watched it every chrism as. I pretty sure Walt Disney introduces it in the beginning.. could be getting that mixed up with another though, it was something Christmas. This is a group of several tale, all very heart warming and pure Disney magic. my favourite one being the Christmas carol story. Another great this about this one is all the Disney character are in it! Disney knows how to do Christmas right.

7. Barbie in the Nutcracker


 I know what you're probably thinking: Alice, you're 17! Why are you watching Barbie? Why? because it's great, that's why. No matter how old I get, I'm still going to love the films. They were a big part of mine and my sister's childhoods' (I totally watch the new ones too haha one of my favourites being the three musketeers). Anyway, this is a great Christmas film and also nostalgic like the rest. It's just beautiful okay and the sugar plum princess is just goals.

8. The Santa Clause


Would it be Christmas without this movie? Not really. I love the concept of this movie. It's filled with magic, LOLs and Christmas goodness. What more can I say? Now go forth and watch it! ;)

Now excuse me, I have a lot films to watch! 


-Alice :) xx

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Wonder Day Sunday

Hey guys! Happy Sunday, hope you're are well and happy :)

I thought I'd do a Wonder Day post because they're probably my favourite to write and I- well, I just feel like blogging.

So where do we begin..

Sixth Form

So I'm back at sixth from now in Year 13, my last year (agh!) and It's more laid back this year since I dropped maths. Well its more laid back with the work load. I still have to worry about Personal Statements and Universities, which are very exciting yet daunting at the same time. I'm actually going to visit Canterbury Christ Church in November for an open day which I;m looking forward to, not only because so far it's my number one uni at the moment, but also because I'll be on a train to London and back alone for the first time and the idea kind of thrills me! Being and adventure enthusiastic and all. I'm staying and my big sister's and going with her and her fiance so it won't be overly scary. I get loss in hull -in fact I still get lost in Brid- so I doubt I'd do very well in Canterbury alone. not only that but I'd look lonely as fudge!


Yesterday was my boxing club's home show and I got carded! Whoo hoo! Which means I can fight competitively now. I had a whole medical test which I though I was going to fail the eye sight part off because I'm kind of partially blind in one eye. The doctor did like five different tests after discovering this but finally -at which point I was so nervous that I were worried I have actually sweat marks- he said everything was okay and then handed me a cup to pee in for a dip sample. But Alice got nervous and couldn't go so they gave me the cup to take away and bring it back somewhere in the night went I could (am I being to ope about this? Eh I don't even care, it's just pee haha) It had a happy end though after supping two bottles of Dr Pepper and being asked several times be=y one of the officials, she was really nice though and just found it funny to my relief. It would of been horrible if she was like "URINATE NOW OR I'LL KILL YOUR FAMILY!" yeah, that would of been awkward. I can't go under pressure okay.

Anyway speaking of horrible, at school earlier that day I was get digs of someone people who were saying they don't think I'll be a good boxer because I'm to "nice". I shouldn't really take it to heart because they weren't very nice people who said it and they have never seen me boxing so they can't make judgement. But you know it still hurt. Anyway I felt loads better when I got to the show and talked to my fellow boxers about it would said that I'm good and I'm going to do good plus if I'm carded it must mean my coaches think I'm good enough.

 I'm  just going to have to kick arse at my first fight to prove it to them ;)


I went to my friends party yesterday which was fun until this girl throw a bottle at this guy and the sh*t went down. To say the least. Theirs a whole long drama behind why the girl threw the bottle, over an ex boyfriend would you believe aha. But anyway good night apart it ending early because of the incident.


I'm currently reading Girl Online On Tour at the moment (which made me want to blog) and I'm loving it so far. I just love the characters that I don't think I'd mind what the plot was but that's great so far too! I still adore Elliot. I'm still in love with Noah. And I've come to the conclusion that I'm Penny. Sure I don't have anxiety or a super hot boyfriend (or any boyfriend aha) but 1. I was going to be called Penny if not Alice 2. She's awkward and clumsy and I am FAMOUS at school for both 3. I blog and 4. she just reminds me of me :) 
I went to see Suffragette yesterday and I had goosebumps the whole time and I almost cried twice. SO GOOD.

I've also been kind obsessed with a show called Fairy Tail because you know wizards..


 November is National Novel Writing Month and this year I'm joining in! 'm going to be finally writing the story I've had stuck in my head for the past two years. I'm nervous but excited. Even if I don't complete all 50000 words, I'll have more words then I started with!


And lastly, Halloween! Yay! I can't believe it is so close, I'm so excited! For the whole of October I've been on pinterest, instagram and youtube just stalking Halloween. My room is all decorated and I'm just so ready! This year I'm going as a cat burglar cat because I'm punny like that and I'm going the sixth form party and then Ginger's (code word for my bff). I can't even.. this is actually the best time of the year because it's Halloween then bonfire night and Christmas!!! Not to mention it's my favourite season (autumn) now :)

Well that's all folks ;)


-Alice :) xx

Thursday, 22 October 2015

50 Halloween Costume Ideas

Well Halloween is coming up soon so I thought I'd make a list of 50 things you could dress up as. Most of these are super easy and I also tried to think of ones that weren't obvious like a ghost or a simple cat. 


- Alice :) xx

  1. A Cat burglar- I'm going as this!

  2.   A modern witch

  3. Fairytale character losing

  4. Spider queen

  5. Scary nurse

  6. Vampire slayer

  7. Cruella Deville

  8. The seasons - great group one

  9. Miss universe

  10. Medusa- I went as this last year!

  11. A bumble bee- cute!

  12. Animal skeleton

    (I couldn't find a picture but for example, wear a skeleton costume and then paint your face as a bear and add bear ears)

  13. Zombie apocalypse survivor -great group one

  14. Your favourite emoji- or a scary one

  15. Kim Possible

  16. Scooby Doo- Mystery inc

  17. My little pony

  18. Scarecrow being eaten by crows

  19. A raven

  20. Crazy cat lady

  21. Ugly stepsisters

  22. Sea witch/ursula

  23. Witch doctor

  24. Tiger lily

  25. Mad scientist

  26. Netfix and chill ;)

  27. Chucky

  28. Taylor swift- Bad blood

  29. Wednesday Addams

  30. Deer- "party animal"

  31. Pop art

  32. Pirate

  33. Pineapple

  34. Corpse Bride

  35. Snow Queen

  36. Dragon

  37. Smurf

  38. Alien

  39. Wizard

  40. TMNT -again good group costume

  41. Ace ventura- mental patient

  42. Mummy

  43. Shadow

  44. Ninja

  45. Robot

  46. Troll

  47. Effie Trinket

  48. Mr Men/Little Miss

  49. Pippi Longstockings

  50. TY teddy