Tuesday, 9 January 2018

2018 Resolutions, Goals, Mindset.

Happy New Year!

So, it's not been the best start of the year for me so far (nasty exam season!) and I was in a real low mood earlier but then I watched Sophia and Cinza's "Mind set" video and I totally got inspire! ("sophiaandcinza" are my new YouTube obsession and I totally recommend checking them out)

I watched it and then went straight upstairs and completely tidied and organised my bedroom because having a messy mind and a messy room was too much. Now that one sorted it is time to sort out the other. Just typing this post and thinking about what I'm going to put is making me excited for the new year which is a very good starting point in my book!


Okie dokie then first things first, my resolution of the year. Now it sounds pretty cheesy and cliché but in all honesty my new years resolution is "Love Yo Self". For some reason I developed insecurities that I had never had before in 2017 and I just kind of stopped liking who I was so I plan to fix that. Now, in true Alice fashion I wrote down a list because lists are beautiful. I wrote down a list of things that I want to improve and then what I am going to do to fix them because there's no point listing errors with no solution.

So the main things I want to work on are:

Okay so for this one I'm not just talking about the appearance of it, I want to feel fit. If you know me then you'll know I'm quite a sporty person and I actually enjoy going to the gym and doing exercise. I'm not just a January get-fitter. Last year I joined the gym for the first time. It was a little scary at first and I was toddling around like a lost sheep not sure what to do but soon I fell in love with it. Sadly, when I came back to university in September I never joined the gym here (I didn't really like the one I first joined) so I haven't been to the gym in like 4 months. I've been Boxing twice a week still but even there I haven't been exercising that much as this year I'm captain so I coach them on the Thursdays sessions which means I miss out on training. So I've kind of felt and looked like a potato for the past 4 months especially after the Christmas season (one too many mince pies hehe). But but but! A new gym opened in Canterbury, Pure gym, and it looks pretty good so I joined up last night and I plan to go first thing in the morning (it's already 1am but I had to get this all off of my chest so wish me luck haha) SO, my goal for this year is to push myself at both boxing and the gym so I feel as fit as a fiddle!

Appearance wise, I'm aiming to get rid of the squige on my belly that I picked up at uni and also rediscover my hips and side bum because I misplaced them. Ooh also this year I want to finally master press ups! I Also need to stop avoiding cardio. I'm just so excited to get back to exercising and feeling great I just need to make time to go there. To go along with exercising I want to look into eating a bit healthier and cleaner so I'm pretty sure a bit of googling and YouTube will help me out.

Mainly though I need to accept my body and appearance, specially my boobs or lack of. I don't have boobs and probably never will so I need to get over it and become a proud member of the Itty Bitty Titty Committee :)


Starting after this post I need to stop putting myself down and focusing on things I don't like myself and instead embrace who I am and "love yo self". I also want to start spreading positivity again because I used to be such a positive and optimistic person and I need to relight that positive light in me. just little things like complementing people and helping them see the good in things. I might start doing the occasional motivation Monday posts (no point saying I'll do them every Monday because I already know I wont have time and I'm limiting thins I can fail here.) Like I said earlier, I need to stop caring so much such as what people think about me and the way I look. Every time I feel insecure I just need to ask myself "why do I care?" and I don't so I need to stop caring and take everything on the chin. I'm only insecure because I let myself be and thinking about it isn't going to "fix" anything so why worry about it. There are so many more important things in life and I should focus on those.

General Mindset
This year I just need to focus on myself, as selfish as that sounds. I need to put my need and future a head of everything. I need to focus on my grades at uni and my general wellbeing. I need to stop caring about guys, yes I'm like the only single one of my friends but who cares. I just need to do what I gotta do for myself such as the gym. I'm not too sure how to put it into words as I'm falling asleep now but overall my mind set for this year is fresh. I'm going to be more organised, fitter and positive and stop giving a damn about irrelevant things and love myself.

A few of my goals to achieve this year are:
  • Get my first tattoo
  • Write the first draft of my novel (finally)
  • Go abroad
  • Read and write more
  • Draw more
  • Blog more
  • Experiment with make up more
  • Complete a Jigsaw puzzle
  • Try fake tan
  • Express my style more (yellow) and post outfit posts
  • Learn a new skill
Well this was kind of rambly spontaneous post but I had to get it out of my head.

Until next time, 
Alice :) xx

(feel free to leave your resolutions and goals below, good night!) 

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