Friday, 27 February 2015

Wonder Day: Friday 
 I wanted to do an actual post but I haven't got any photos prepared .. and I don't really know what to blog about.. but yeah, it's Friday so I'll let myself off and instead just kind of pour my sleep deprived thoughts into this post :)

  • School is killing me. Hard. I always seem to have billions of assignments and homework and coursework and other boring thinks due in and I'm always two steps behind where I should be with things... I put the Pro in Procrastinate.  
  • My best friend is the only reason I haven't died in maths yet because she's hilarious!
  • I think I might make a revision/study post about good tips and advice and stuff because I have my mock A-level exams after Easter so it will hopefully put me in the spirit as well as hopefully help you. I also want to a fitness motivation/tips post as I could do with improving my fitness in order to recover from the lack of boxing training I did the majority of last year due to work and exams and then Christmas so I need to get on top of that, but I think I could help in some way as a I'm quite an active person :)
  •  Tomorrow my plans are to: 
  1.  Get paint-  I'm redoing my room as soon as it's warmer.. so stay tuned for roomspiration and decor posts ;)
  2. Plan post and take blog photos in bulk- This will most likely consist of a lot of colourful lists
  3. Practise/play around with photography- Aiming to be more tumblr ;) Inspired by a reading account I saw on instagram, how she put together photos where so cute and eye catching. I think it's ..yeah it is.
  5. Maybe homework.. ew
  •  I'm currently sweating as my younger sister just taught my big sister and me a dance to Uptown Funk (she's an amazing dancer.. yet she wants to be an actress..) the dance is awesome! I can wait till the next party I go to!!
  • Lent started like a week ago and I gave up chocolate, like I done for just about every year since year 5 or 6 (or some time in junior school). So no more mini eggs for a while :'( I honestly don't know how I can go on much longer without in my life!
  •  On that note, I also finished all four seasons of teen wolf and season five doesn't come out until summer! Ugh!  
  • I'm so ready for spring, speaking of which, have you see the Frozen fever trailer? I don't care if it's overrated, I'm excited!
  • I hope I actually get stuff done this weekend so it won't drag on, so then I'll have more blogging time 
  • Currently reading: Throne of glass (finally got time to read it, I'm nearly 3/4 of the way through and it's so good!)
And..... I think that's everything bobbing at the top of my mind, well at least all the ones I csan put into words easily.

Thanks for reading!

Hope you enjoyed  ^.^

What's on your mind?

Hope you're having a super fantastic day! 


-Alice :) xx


  1. You have been nominated for a Liebster award by yours truly!! Check my blog for details!

  2. Aww that's a shame about the exam pressure but I love the way you've given up chocolate :) I could never do that :)

    1. Haha I'm regretting it already but so far so good :)
