Sunday, 25 October 2015

Wonder Day Sunday

Hey guys! Happy Sunday, hope you're are well and happy :)

I thought I'd do a Wonder Day post because they're probably my favourite to write and I- well, I just feel like blogging.

So where do we begin..

Sixth Form

So I'm back at sixth from now in Year 13, my last year (agh!) and It's more laid back this year since I dropped maths. Well its more laid back with the work load. I still have to worry about Personal Statements and Universities, which are very exciting yet daunting at the same time. I'm actually going to visit Canterbury Christ Church in November for an open day which I;m looking forward to, not only because so far it's my number one uni at the moment, but also because I'll be on a train to London and back alone for the first time and the idea kind of thrills me! Being and adventure enthusiastic and all. I'm staying and my big sister's and going with her and her fiance so it won't be overly scary. I get loss in hull -in fact I still get lost in Brid- so I doubt I'd do very well in Canterbury alone. not only that but I'd look lonely as fudge!


Yesterday was my boxing club's home show and I got carded! Whoo hoo! Which means I can fight competitively now. I had a whole medical test which I though I was going to fail the eye sight part off because I'm kind of partially blind in one eye. The doctor did like five different tests after discovering this but finally -at which point I was so nervous that I were worried I have actually sweat marks- he said everything was okay and then handed me a cup to pee in for a dip sample. But Alice got nervous and couldn't go so they gave me the cup to take away and bring it back somewhere in the night went I could (am I being to ope about this? Eh I don't even care, it's just pee haha) It had a happy end though after supping two bottles of Dr Pepper and being asked several times be=y one of the officials, she was really nice though and just found it funny to my relief. It would of been horrible if she was like "URINATE NOW OR I'LL KILL YOUR FAMILY!" yeah, that would of been awkward. I can't go under pressure okay.

Anyway speaking of horrible, at school earlier that day I was get digs of someone people who were saying they don't think I'll be a good boxer because I'm to "nice". I shouldn't really take it to heart because they weren't very nice people who said it and they have never seen me boxing so they can't make judgement. But you know it still hurt. Anyway I felt loads better when I got to the show and talked to my fellow boxers about it would said that I'm good and I'm going to do good plus if I'm carded it must mean my coaches think I'm good enough.

 I'm  just going to have to kick arse at my first fight to prove it to them ;)


I went to my friends party yesterday which was fun until this girl throw a bottle at this guy and the sh*t went down. To say the least. Theirs a whole long drama behind why the girl threw the bottle, over an ex boyfriend would you believe aha. But anyway good night apart it ending early because of the incident.


I'm currently reading Girl Online On Tour at the moment (which made me want to blog) and I'm loving it so far. I just love the characters that I don't think I'd mind what the plot was but that's great so far too! I still adore Elliot. I'm still in love with Noah. And I've come to the conclusion that I'm Penny. Sure I don't have anxiety or a super hot boyfriend (or any boyfriend aha) but 1. I was going to be called Penny if not Alice 2. She's awkward and clumsy and I am FAMOUS at school for both 3. I blog and 4. she just reminds me of me :) 
I went to see Suffragette yesterday and I had goosebumps the whole time and I almost cried twice. SO GOOD.

I've also been kind obsessed with a show called Fairy Tail because you know wizards..


 November is National Novel Writing Month and this year I'm joining in! 'm going to be finally writing the story I've had stuck in my head for the past two years. I'm nervous but excited. Even if I don't complete all 50000 words, I'll have more words then I started with!


And lastly, Halloween! Yay! I can't believe it is so close, I'm so excited! For the whole of October I've been on pinterest, instagram and youtube just stalking Halloween. My room is all decorated and I'm just so ready! This year I'm going as a cat burglar cat because I'm punny like that and I'm going the sixth form party and then Ginger's (code word for my bff). I can't even.. this is actually the best time of the year because it's Halloween then bonfire night and Christmas!!! Not to mention it's my favourite season (autumn) now :)

Well that's all folks ;)


-Alice :) xx

Thursday, 22 October 2015

50 Halloween Costume Ideas

Well Halloween is coming up soon so I thought I'd make a list of 50 things you could dress up as. Most of these are super easy and I also tried to think of ones that weren't obvious like a ghost or a simple cat. 


- Alice :) xx

  1. A Cat burglar- I'm going as this!

  2.   A modern witch

  3. Fairytale character losing

  4. Spider queen

  5. Scary nurse

  6. Vampire slayer

  7. Cruella Deville

  8. The seasons - great group one

  9. Miss universe

  10. Medusa- I went as this last year!

  11. A bumble bee- cute!

  12. Animal skeleton

    (I couldn't find a picture but for example, wear a skeleton costume and then paint your face as a bear and add bear ears)

  13. Zombie apocalypse survivor -great group one

  14. Your favourite emoji- or a scary one

  15. Kim Possible

  16. Scooby Doo- Mystery inc

  17. My little pony

  18. Scarecrow being eaten by crows

  19. A raven

  20. Crazy cat lady

  21. Ugly stepsisters

  22. Sea witch/ursula

  23. Witch doctor

  24. Tiger lily

  25. Mad scientist

  26. Netfix and chill ;)

  27. Chucky

  28. Taylor swift- Bad blood

  29. Wednesday Addams

  30. Deer- "party animal"

  31. Pop art

  32. Pirate

  33. Pineapple

  34. Corpse Bride

  35. Snow Queen

  36. Dragon

  37. Smurf

  38. Alien

  39. Wizard

  40. TMNT -again good group costume

  41. Ace ventura- mental patient

  42. Mummy

  43. Shadow

  44. Ninja

  45. Robot

  46. Troll

  47. Effie Trinket

  48. Mr Men/Little Miss

  49. Pippi Longstockings

  50. TY teddy